Research and Project Development

Patricia Fennell and Albany Health Management Associates have been actively involved in research design and development for more than 25 years. We have developed, executed, and/or have collaborated in a variety of research initiatives addressing chronic syndromes, trauma, autoimmune disease, post-viral disease, clinical education and training. In this pursuit, we have developed novel models for assessment and treatment with complimentary instrumentation, and served as primary investigators.

For a selected list of our research partners and collaborators please click here.

Current Projects and Studies include:


Patricia Fennell is the author of the Fennell Four-Phase Model and the Fennell Four-Phase Treatment (FFPT)™ approach for the assessment and treatment of chronic syndromes and trauma.

Fennell’s Four-Phase Model of chronic illness is an empirically validated framework utilized by clinicians, medical researchers and patients worldwide. The model describes four phases in chronic syndromes: Crisis, Stabilization, Resolution and Integration. Several research and clinical instruments, including the Fennell Phase Inventory (FPI)™, have been developed to capture the different phases of chronic symptoms and experience.

The model has been studied in conditions including scleroderma, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, post-viral fatigue syndrome, autism and depression, and utilized in the clinical assessment and treatment of many chronic syndromes including cancer, post-violence trauma, cardiovascular disease and rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases.

Research on the Fennell models and instruments has been published and cited in peer-reviewed publications and clinical research publications worldwide (for more information about the empirical research evidence in support of the Fennell Four-Phase Model, please click here).

Please contact us if you are interested in project development, participating in a project or obtaining more information about utilizing the Fennell Four-Phase Model, FFPT™, FPI™ or other instrumentation in your research or clinical work.